SUSPECT: Special Structure Detection for Pyomo

Release v2.1.3.


SUSPECT requires Python 3. If you are using Python 2, please upgrade.


You can get SUSPECT from Pypi:

pip install cog-suspect

Quick Start

After we have constructed the model, we can pass it to suspect.detect_special_structure() to obtain special structure information

from suspect import detect_special_structure
import pyomo.environ as aml

model = aml.ConcreteModel()
model.x = aml.Var()
model.y = aml.Var()

model.obj = aml.Objective(expr=(model.y - model.x)**3)
model.c1 = aml.Constraint(expr=model.y - model.x >= 0)

info = detect_special_structure(model)

# try info.variables, info.objectives, and info.constraints
# in this case, objective is not detected as convex

We can convert the Pyomo model to a _connected_ Pyomo model, where common sub-expressions are connected together in a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). With this extra information, SUSPECT will detect the objective as convex.

from suspect import create_connected_model

connected, _ = create_connected_model(model)

info = detect_special_structure(connected)

# now the objective is detected as convex!

Quadratic Expression Support

SUSPECT extends Pyomo to include Quadratic expressions. If you use this feature, you should need to call the following function at the beginning of your script:

from suspect.pyomo import enable_standard_repn_for_quadratic_expression


Command Line Usage

SUSPECT comes with a command line tool to quickly inspect an optimization problem in the OSiL format:

$ -p /path/to/problem/instance.osil -s /path/to/problem/solution.p1.sol

This command will print a summary about the problem objective and constraints, for example:

$ -p /path/to/rsyn0805h.osil -s /path/to/rsyn0805h.p1.sol
INFO:root:  Reading Problem
INFO:root:  Converting DAG
INFO:root:  Starting Special Structure Detection
INFO:root:  Special Structure Detection Finished
{"bounds_obj_ok": true, "bounds_var_ok": true, "conscurvature": "convex", "name": "rsyn0805h", "nbinvars": 37, "ncons": 429, "nintvars": 0, "nvars": 308, "objcurvature": "linear", "objsense": "max", "objtype": "linear", "runtime": 0.21518850326538086, "status": "ok"}

API Documentation