special_structure Command

This command can be used to run the special structure detection rules implemented by SUSPECT.


galini special_structure [-h] problem


Given the following input file problem.py

import pyomo.environ as aml

def get_pyomo_model():
    m = aml.ConcreteModel()
    m.x = aml.Var(range(2), bounds=(0, 4.0))
    m.y = aml.Var(range(2), bounds=(0, 1), domain=aml.Integers)

    m.obj = aml.Objective(expr=m.y[0] + m.y[1] + m.x[0]**2 + m.x[1]**2)
    m.c0 = aml.Constraint(expr=(m.x[0] - 2)**2 - m.x[1] <= 0)
    m.c1 = aml.Constraint(expr=m.x[0] - 2*m.y[0] >= 0)
    m.c2 = aml.Constraint(expr=m.x[0] - m.x[1] - 3*(1 - m.y[0]) <= 0)
    m.c3 = aml.Constraint(expr=m.x[0] - (1 - m.y[0]) >= 0)
    m.c4 = aml.Constraint(expr=m.x[1] - m.y[1] >= 0)
    m.c5 = aml.Constraint(expr=m.x[0] + m.x[1] >= 3*m.y[0])
    m.c6 = aml.Constraint(expr=m.y[0] + m.y[1] >= 1)

we run galini special_structure and obtain the following output:

Var.   Dom.    LB      UB
x[0]   R      0.000   4.000
x[1]   R      0.000   4.000
y[0]   I      0.000   1.000
y[1]   I      0.000   1.000

Obj.    LB     UB     Cvx       Mono
obj    0.000   inf   Convex   Nondecr.

Cons.     LB      UB      Cvx       Mono
c0      -4.000   inf     Convex
c1      -2.000   4.000   Linear
c2      -7.000   4.000   Linear
c3      -1.000   4.000   Linear   Nondecr.
c4      -1.000   4.000   Linear
c5      -8.000   3.000   Linear
c6      0.000    2.000   Linear   Nondecr.